Free Art Journal Retreat!

You're invited!

free online art journaling retreat!

3-10 MARCH 2023


Hello lovely artist!

It's a date! Join me in Art Journal Dreams, a delightful and FREE online retreat full of art and inspiration! Come relax, create and nurture your dreams through the magic of art journaling. We start on Friday, 3 March, 2023… that’s very soon!

Click below to find out all the details and reserve your seat.

... and make sure to invite your creative friends!
watch a preview of the workshop!

from first layers to finished page!

The first three workshops of the retreat will take place over the weekend, from Friday to Sunday, and I will guide you as we create a whole journal page from start to finish:

Workshop 1

In workshop 1, our first layers will be an opportunity to loosen up and work intuitively. We will start with a bit of journaling, then permission granted to get messy as we play with, crayons, paint and collage!


workshop 2

In workshop 2 we will work more intentionaly as we define our composition, add a focal image and keep building the layers to let our page tell its story.


workshop 3

Finally, in workshop 3 we will get super playful with finishing touches! They are such a great opportunity to make your art unique and develop your own style. I will share some of my favorites and I hope you will come up with plenty more!


more tips & inspiration!

workshop 4

After this creative weekend, you’ll have time to catch up during the week and finish your page, then we will gather again the following Friday for a final workshop with plenty more inspiration!

Art journaling is meant to be a practice and your journal will no doubt have more pages to fill! That’s why in our closing celebration, I will share another, completely different demo to help you get your next page started. I will also some of my best tips to help you continue your art journaling journey!


creative self-care

Art journaling is not just about making art: it is also my favorite kind of creative self-care! When you take the time to relax, set up your space in a way that feels nurturing and inspiring, you’re already half-way to somewhere magical.

We’re going to start the reteat with a sweet and simple opening ritual (bring a candle!) and we’re going to use the first layers of our page as an opportunity to let go of our fears, express gratitude and make space for our dreams and wishes to grow on the page, in our hearts and in our life.

You can already start thinking about a dream or a wish you’d like to focus on as you create your page!

I hope you will be there! Don’t forget to RESERVE YOUR SEAT NOW and make sure to tell your friends so they can come enjoy this free event! Then get your space, your journal and your heart ready. We start creating soon!

Are you in? Tell me in a comment!

Light & Love


open your art journal

and choose your next adventure!


around here lately...

Leave a comment for me!