Laly Mille • Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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Happy Art Journalers

meet our tribe of

happy art journalers!

Hello lovely creative!

As I’m about to close registration for The Artist & the Journal, my heart is bursting with joy and gratitude for our amazing, beautiful and magical tribe of art journalers!

Earlier this week, I invited the students to share a selfie with their current favorite page because, you see, there are so many creative souls who don't feel confident enough to start art journaling, even though their heart is longing for it. Do you maybe feel the same? Then I hope that seeing all those beautiful smiles will make you realize that you can do it too!

I may be teaching art journaling now, but really I’m just walking the same path as everyone else, only just a few steps ahead so I can show you the way. And I remember very well how hard it can be to take the leap and start that scary first page: it took me years of resistance and procrastination before I finally got over myself and started art journaling! Thank goodness I finally did, because it quickly became my favorite creative practice of all, and not only that: it has made me grow as an artist so much more than I could have anticipated, and still does today.

hello inner critic?

For a long time though, I felt so intimidated. If this is you too, then I hope that the pictures below will help you realize that art journaling is for everyone, no matter your “skill level” or what your inner critic might say. Mine used to say things like:

Sounds familiar? Then I hope the smiles below will encourage you to shoo away the little gremlin and remind you that art is meant to be fun!

ready to join us in the classroom? click below:

the artists & their journals!

You can click on the images to zoom in & get a better look at all these beautiful pages:

OK, my turn to show up and show you a page I love! And a big thank you to all my beautiful students, I’m so proud of you!

When I’m all alone in the studio, filming a lesson, it’s just me and the camera. So catching a glimpse of “the other side”, your side, and seeing what you create from my classes means so much to me. It motivates me to keep going and keep sharing what I love: the joy of making art, the sense of purpose and fulfilment that comes from embracing the artist in your soul and giving her the time & practice she needs to really grow and bloom!

That’s why I create classes and why I will always encourage you to follow your own impulses, nudges and desires, what I call your “inner compass”. It’s not about making art like mine. It’s about finding yours. Your art, your stories, your symbols, your marks, your colors, your feelings, your memories, your emotions. And I know no better place to go on this magical quest than your art journal.

are you ready to join this journey?

I also want to share a few words that Karin, a member of the class, shared with me recently. It’s been such a joy to see her art evolve these past few months!

+ can you spot the beautiful art on her mantel too? Love! Thanks Karin!

It takes courage to show up and share your art, so please leave a word of encouragement in the comments for the students!

If you too are longing for a creative practice that will support your wellbeing, your dreams, and make you grow as an artist day after day, year after year, then I hope you will join us in The Artist & the Journal! I can’t wait to show you how to fill your journal with beautiful, meaningful art that truly feels like YOU, like your very own, magical storybook.

Watch a quick preview of the class below and find out all about the many lessons & projects of the class here:

I can’t wait to share this delightful adventure with you!

Light & Love

around here lately...

See this gallery in the original post

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